Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Veep Debate Drinking Game

Okay, people, you know how this works.  Every time you hear one of the "buzz words" listed below - you have to do the corresponding action.  Do it for fun.  Do it for America.

"War on Women" - All the women drink once.

Social Security - Oldest player picks someone else to drink once.

Obamacare - Find someone who doesn't drink for religious reasons, then force them to drink, and tell them it's freedom.  Note: Don't actually do this.  This is really mean.

Biden blames Bush - Everyone go around in a circle and blame Bush for something - the weather, a broken nail, the existence of Crocs, anything.  The last person in the circle blames Bush for sobriety, and then everyone drinks.

Paul Ryan mentions gun rights - Drink twice for the Second Amendment.

Biden gaffe - Finish your drink.

Moderator gives a question about the national debt - Borrow a sip from your neighbor, since we borrow money from China.  Note: Don't actually do this.  This is...kind of germ-y.

Anyone mentions Big Bird - Everyone must take a knee and chug for Big Bird.

I accept no responsibility for anything that may happen as a result of people playing this game...but when you're drunk and somebody calls you on it, just say, "I didn't drink that! Somebody else did.  Somebody else made that happen!"


  1. I love this Ang, so cute! I am now following you!


    1. Aww thx girl!! Just saw your blog & followed back...LOVE the red velvet post.
