Thursday, October 18, 2012

Eddie Murphy

This one time, years ago, I was staying at Georgia Tech for summer camp.  One of the camp activities was taking a tour of CNN Center (this was nerd camp).  What I recall most distinctively from the tour was not anything that happened inside the building - it was that, when we stepped outside to take a group picture, a white van drove by with a giant sculpture of Eddie Murphy's head attached to the back of it by a trailer hitch.

Everybody turned and stared.  It was so unexpected in Atlanta traffic - nobody knew how to react.  I turned to one of my roommates - "Hey...that's Eddie Murphy's head!" and she went, "Yup. Whoa."  There was never any question - like, "Is that what I think it is?" because it's kind of impossible to mistake a giant sculpture of Eddie Murphy's head for anything besides exactly what it is.

This is it!  And I never told anyone the story, until now.  I figured no one would believe me when I said this thing existed - it's way too labor-intensive for a prank, and it's not exactly something that has any practical use.  And even if they did believe me, they wouldn't get to see how funny it was.  But then I stumbled upon this photo and thought, "This is IT! That's Eddie Murphy's giant head that I saw driving past CNN Center!"

So.  Now, you know.  If anyone has an idea as to why this exists, or why it was driving through Atlanta years ago...please do share.  Inquiring minds want to know.  For the rest of us...if you see Giant Eddie Murphy driving down a highway near you, know that you are not hallucinating.  Also - the longer you look at it, the funnier it gets.

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