Friday, December 14, 2012

iDropped my iPhone

I got an iPod for Christmas when I was in the 8th grade and didn't take my headphones out until it finally quit working during my freshman year at college.  I went to the Apple store and asked how to resuscitate my poor little pod.  Unfortunately, the hard drive was toast.  My iPod was no longer a functioning was just a very shiny coaster.

Since then, I have upgraded to an iPhone (woohooo!) which is most certainly not a coaster.  It's like my child, in that it's loud and I get worried whenever it's out of my sight.  PhoneBaby's microphone broke a few weeks ago - so back to the Apple store I went, to make an appointment to get it fixed.

I made the appointment, walked out through the big glass doors onto Wisconsin Ave, felt the warm fall sunshine on my face, thought everything was right with the world, and proceeded to drop PhoneBaby on the ground, shattering the screen.  

AWESOME.  Let's hope I got the clumsiness out of my system with PhoneBaby so that if I ever have an ActualBaby, I won't drop it on its face.  

The good news is that a broken microphone means they have to replace the whole phone anyway.  (Yet another thing that's not how it works with ActualBaby.)  The shattered screen ended up being a non-issue.  The bad news was that my iTunes got all messed up, and I ended up with about 40 songs left.

So.  I had to do some iTunes shopping.

Here's who I'm pouring into my iPhone at the moment.  As much as I like Christmas music this time of year, it's really nice to have a break from the same tunes over and over again!  It also makes my housemates less likely to stab me for keeping the Glee Christmas album on 24/7.  Now I'm just waiting till the Top 40 Pop Songs of 2012 mashup gets released!  And the Les Mis movie...I am too excited.  

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