Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Someone saw a bug near the fridge in the office today.  So I called facilities, who sent us an exterminator.  The exterminator moved the fridge away from the wall...

...and he uncovered a highly developed roach civilization.  Roach parents and roach kids, driving cars on roach streets, little roach schools and post offices, electing their own roach leaders.  It was one big festival of nasty.  Like the way I imagine Bonnaroo, except better organized and without the drugs.  All I heard for the next half hour was our poor exterminator stomping those suckers and smacking them off the wall.

Since I'm filling in for our office manager this week, I sent out an email to everyone saying, more or less, that we're having a bug issue in the kitchen, and please move your food out of the fridge, because bugs have been spotted in and around the fridge, and we're working with facilities to get it fixed, and you should really make sure all your food is tightly sealed, because the infestation is pretty bad, and maybe you just want to throw out any food you had in there, because the exterminator sprayed some serious stuff around the fridge, so to be on the safe side you should probably just never eat food ever again.

But...how many people actually read all of their emails?  I wasn't betting on many, and we needed the fridge emptied fast.

So I decided to make some posters.  These seemed to do the trick!

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