Wednesday, July 25, 2012

London Calling

I used to think that travel only really "counted" if you were in some place where you couldn't speak the language.  But then I went to Spain.  And it was amazing.  And I could understand what people were saying.  And that was amazing, too.  Ask anyone who has ever tried teaching me's kind of a miracle that I had any idea what was going on over there.

Anyway, it was for this reason that I was never really interested in traveling to England.  The place just seemed...cold and wet and vanilla.  There is also this unspoken competition that happens among Georgetown students, to see who can travel to the most exotic/dangerous places.  Oh, you're going to the beach?  Well, I'm going to a beach in a country you've probably never heard of.  They only let, like, twenty foreigners in every year, and you have to get all these extra vaccines, which is super inconvenient.  UGH, unstable totalitarian military regimes man, am I right?  But I know the trip will be worth it - I hear the drug violence is lovely there this time of year.

Now, I'm just making fun of people who go to insane places just to get the same tan lines the rest of us get on Healy Lawn.  The idea that you can travel with purpose - is what led me to the SFS.  Of course I'd love to travel off the beaten path!  Most of the places on my bucket list are places where I will likely need a bodyguard (sorry, Mom and Dad!)  But those are the places I want to go with some sort of job to do when I get there, like development work or education.  If there's one sort of "ordinary" place I'd like to go just for fun, it's London.

Because they're hosting the Olympics, so of course we've been seeing shots of the city on TV for the past few weeks

Even the bridges are classy.

And because I want to be Kate Middleton when I grow up

And their rappers > our rappers

And because, like the South, it's known for tea drinkers with funny accents.

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