Saturday, June 23, 2012

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Guy at party:  "So what are you doing here this summer, now that you've graduated?"

Me:  "I work for the school - when companies bring their employees here to learn X, Y, and Z, my department builds courses and schedules and events for them."

Guy at party:  "Oh.  Well, what do you really want to do?"

My thoughts:  I would really like to eat chocolate covered strawberries on a yacht every day with all my best friends while we babysit for Blue Ivy Carter and all my favorite bands play live concerts on the deck of the boat.  Ryan Gosling and George Clooney will be my bodyguards.

What I really say:  "Umm...what I want to do...when?"

Guy:  "With your life.  Like, for a real job."

What I thought:  Hold your pretentious horses.  I work with great people, deans, professors, world-famous companies, every day - that's plenty real enough for me.  And heck, even if I was a circus clown - if you're my friend, and that's the job that makes me happy, shouldn't it be enough for you, too?

A pretentious horse, being held.
What I really said:  "Oh, I really like what I'm doing now!  I get to meet people from all over the world, and they come here to learn about how American businesses work.  So it really fits with my major focus, which was in international development."

Guy:  "Oh."

If only he would have had this friendly reminder!
>Some variation of this conversation has happened several times since I've been back in DC.  Yes, I know I'm temping - but I feel so incredibly lucky to be able to stay at GU, and to be able to work here. Unless you have no idea who I am and stumbled upon this through the interwebs - you know that I love this place, and that I love working with people.  

I wonder if people who do Teach for America, the Peace Corps, et al get comments like this.  Just because it's temporary or just because it's on campus doesn't mean it's not worthwhile!

Yes, really!

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