Sunday, June 10, 2012

This is Not a Drill

Last week marked the official start of my postgrad life - so now I'm a real person, I guess?

I feel like Real People don't do things like sleep all day on a Saturday or subsist on mainly lettuce and french fries.  Real People get to hang picture frames by using actual nails and screws instead of using those 3M hooks that stick to the walls.

Real People don't have their first Real Work Meetings interrupted by a bird that flies in the conference room, does his business on the projector screen, and then refuses to leave for the next half an hour even as we run around the room trying to herd it away from us and towards the open windows.  This happened.  It was so hard not to laugh!

Real People probably don't get to carry their friends out of Tombs (my first two nights back were two of my dearest friends' 21st birthdays).  Real People probably do boring Real People things instead, like sending faxes and watching Court TV. 

Real People probably don't wind up celebrating Scott Walker's reelection with a bunch of rowdy Wisconsonians Wisconsonites Cheeseheads, or playing a DC-themed mini golf course made to look like there's zombie presidents crawling out of the grass.

So, I don't want to be a Real Person.  I like what I'm doing now - which is sort of half-college, half-not.  I know that I'll get to keep doing this at least until December - after that, everything's up in the air!  But I really like my job, and I certainly like being so close to Georgetown - so I want to keep doing this as long as I can.

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