Monday, May 14, 2012

Ain't No Party Like a Graduation Party 'Cause a Graduation Party Don't Stop!

 I am WAY behind on getting to this post.  Like...almost a month behind.

But that's okay because it's a month after this event and I'm still thinking about how much fun it was!  So - as is the purpose of this blog - I'm going to tell the story of my graduation party from the very beginning.

Last October, I went home over Columbus Day weekend.  I was with my parents on our porch, when my Mom turned to me and said, "Your father and I have something we want to tell you."

Oh no.  This is going to be Something Big.  Like..."Angela, you're adopted."  "We're packing up and moving to Tajikistan."  "We're renting out your old room to some other kid, so welcome home but now you have to sleep in the basement."  Or something really tragic, like, "We're getting a cat."

Tell me this isn't terrifying.
But instead of some earth-shattering family revelation, my Mom said, "You've worked really hard.  So your father and I want to throw you a graduation party."


And now, I express all my emotions through gifs.

So we planned for a time before people would be leaving campus, when finals wouldn't be keeping us all locked in the library...and that time happened to be a month before graduation.  Well...okay!  So, we went with it.  Bodega on a Thursday night.  Because it's close to campus, and everybody likes paella, and we're going on a family trip to Spain this summer!  (And France.  Gentlemen, start your livers, we're goin' to European wine country!)

Some of the girls! 
This is my Michelle.  (My Chelle. #abbrevs)  We met when we were eleven years old, and I know we'll be causing havoc together till we're one hundred and eleven years old.  She's the bestest.

To think it all started in VCW...
My parents got me a Georgetown Alumni shirt!   What you didn't see is that when my Dad handed it to me and gave me a hug, he whispered, "Now you have the t-shirt, so don't screw it up!"  THAT was my motivation to study for finals.
I just love my Alex.
I don't know how to explain just how cool it was to have my friends from different places meet each other and my parents meet my friends and my friends meet my parents and be all One Big Happy.  I have never felt surrounded by so much love.  And what my Mom said that night when she thanked everyone for coming - that if you're ever in Georgia or Florida, you better come stay with us - is an offer, an order, and a promise that holds forever.  You people are going to go travel the world - and when you do - you will have layovers in Atlanta and DC.  And we can't wait to have you come visit. :)

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