Monday, March 4, 2013

Who Should We Hate Next?

If there is one thing Georgetowners hate, it's Lauinger Library Syracuse. This rivalry is older than most current students. And as we gear up to the last game for the next few years at least, Cuse rage is at an all-time high.

But where is that rage gonna go after we (hopefully) send them packing back to NY on Saturday? We can't let all that hate float around freely. We also can't all hate different things, because nothing creates bonding like hating the same thing. Look at how New York hates Boston, or how literally every woman in America hates Anne Hathaway. (Side note: why did we all decide to hate Anne Hathaway now?) Anyway, the harmless pop-culture version of "hate" really does bring. people together.

All of this begs the question: Who should we hate next? Ranking the schools in the "Catholic Seven," here's the scorecard for best potential rival:

Pros: Their mascot is the Blue Demon. It makes sense that a Catholic school would root against them (oh, the exorcist references to be made!) Also similar to Georgetown in regards to history and as a research institution.
Cons: None of that actually matters in a sports rivalry, and their basketball team kinda sucks.

Pros: Todd Mayo. If the kid keeps his grades up and doesn't lose NCAA eligibility again (judgemental laughter goes here), he could really make Marquette a very competitive team.
Cons: There is nothing intimidating about a guy named Todd. Todd is Chad's less-fratty, less fun older brother.

Pictured: Someone named Todd, probably.

St. Johns
Pros: Same home state as Syracuse? That's all I got for this one.
Cons: Come on, we can't hate a school named after a saint! But we can say that it wouldn't be a very contentious rivalry. Next!

Pros: Dominicans.
Cons: Dominicans. I have a hard enough time explaining to friends from home what a Jesuit is, so I don't know if many basketball fans would understand the whole Dominican / Jesuit / Franciscan thing.

Seton Hall
Pros: It's in New Jersey, and I find it pretty easy to mock and/or hate most things from that state.
Cons: One of the worst teams in the Big East. And it's a TINY school, so, limited number of fans means limited opportunities to tell them that we're better than them.

Pros: We already have the nickname, VILLANOFUN. Plus - their mascot is a cat, ours is a dog. And they typically have a pretty good basketball team.
Cons: They're kind of...vanilla. Vanillanova? The only think we could mock them for is that students are stereotypically wealthy, Northeastern, and preppy.  Pot, kettle.

New Englanders don't trash talk. They just do this.

It looks like Villanova is our best bet for an in-conference rivalry, with Marquette being second and perhaps DePaul or Providence in third. In the meantime - let's squeeze (the orange!) and also all the good old-fashioned sports hate we can into the next few days. Because when Syracuse loses, America wins.

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