Monday, September 3, 2012

RNC Redux, Part Two

This is about the people I met at the RNC.

Tim Pawlenty:  Seems nice, I guess - met him very briefly.  His wife was wearing a really pretty dress.  She just seemed so happy - really genuinely thrilled to be there and to meet people.  I think that very few political spouses come off this way. *COUGH*Callista*cough, cough*

Newt Gingrich:  Newt doesn't wanna talk to no students.  Newt probably doesn't want to be in Tampa at all.  The Newtster seemed like he wanted to be vacationing somewhere, like he did at the start of his campaign.  That was oddly when he did best in the polls.  Vacationing is Newt's best strategy.  That said - he ran this thing called Newt University (not the best name but whatever) where he brought in speakers and held seminars.  That was pretty good.  I bet the Newtlet would make a good professor.

Ron Paul:  I shook his hand in a hallway.  It would have been a stop-and-chat except he had no time to stop and I had lost the ability to chat.  Really, I tried to make words and it came out "Hiiiiieeeeeeeeerrrrrrmmmg."  I have always thought that Ron Paul was a brilliant, pointy little man.  He really is just about my height.  He seems about twenty years younger than he actually is.  And tons of energy - he was keeping up with a crew of thirtysomething guys with earpieces walking quickly and talking into their collars.  So let's hope that small-government conservatism is an effective anti-aging strategy?  Because my boy RP has something going for him...

Aaron Schock:  Super friendly.  Met him in the Huffington Post's Oasis, so I don't know if we were all just zen'd out, or what, but he talked to the Georgetown group for quite awhile and seemed quite confident in his reelection and in Mitt Romney's chances this November.

Rick Santorum:  Rick Santorum is Ned Flanders from the Simpsons.  So vanilla.  He's a much better speaker than most people give him credit for.

Scott Walker:  Midwestern and friendly and his hair is perfect.

The McCain family:  So technically I didn't meet them...just saw them from a few feet away at the Variety party that Meghan hosted.  Mrs. McCain looks great.  Mister seemed happy to be there (much easier for him than the '08 convention, I'm sure!) And Meghan was rocking a rather aggressive updo.  Very pretty...just huge.

Republican women do love huge hair, though.  That was a general theme of the RNC experience.  For more on the RNC experience...stay tuned... :)

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