Monday, March 26, 2012

New House!!!!!!

It's the end of an era - no more student housing!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my Nevils.  More specifically, I love the people in it.  I couldn't imagine leaving that wonderful chaos after graduation and living in a little boxy thing all by my lonesome. That just sounds sad.

So I was especially thrilled when I found a room for rent in a precious little townhouse on O street!  It's white brick with a little front staircase and a nice big backyard.  I showed my mom a photo of it, and we were both sold.  We had yet to see the inside of this thing.  They told me it has a mattress - but I was completely set on this house before I even knew if it had walls or a floor.  When the outside is that charming - you don't think twice! (Coincidentally, this is also every dating mistake I've ever made.  But I digress.)

There's a kitchenette, but it's not big enough to really be any sort of kitchen, so we're calling it the "ette."

I found out I'm going to be living with four guys.   This doesn't worry me at all - but it should probably worry them.
I love this show.  Soon, I get to live this show (only with slightly less aggressive bangs).
As I said in my freshman year C.H.A.R.M.S. profile - "I like pink and I don't kill bugs."  It's worse than that.  My belongings are so pink that freshman year, when the sun was setting and shining right through our dorm window, my room would cast a pink hazy glow out into the hall.

I got to tour the house the other day - and the room I'll be renting is nice and big.  It also has no door.  The room just sort of extends out into a hallway - it's not like I could put a door on there if I wanted to.  Oh, and that hallway is the lower-level entrance to the house!  So, my crazy will be on display for all the housemates to see.  Even now in a house full of girls, it's a little weird when you have teeth whitener on and you end up explaining to your roommate "I swear this is a Crest Whitestrip, not rabies."  I'm not sure how well the guys will understand.  They'll also have to hear my music - and I'll have to hear whatever it is they listen to. I hope they don't judge too hard when I bust out some vintage Spice Girls tracks to help me wake up in the morning.

And I hope these boys are willing to kill any critters that find their way into my room.  When a bug shows up, I give up and try to let it stay there and hope it'll just ignore me and not start nomming on my face while I sleep.
Spiders are ruthless.  It's a fact.
I also believe that Clorox wipes are one of the best innovations in human history.  Yep, right up there with fire and the wheel.  But honestly - I Clorox ev-errr-eeeee-thing.  I hope these guys have a high tolerance for "Fresh Citrus Scent" and don't end up thinking I'd be better off as Bubble Girl.

No chance I'll move into one of these.  It's not nearly pink enough.
I'm slightly terrified I'll go into an estrogen-induced decorating binge and the next day all their clothes will be bedazzled or something, or I'll be unpacking my groceries and they'll be freaked out by my nuts-and-berries-and-nutella diet.  Or I'll be stretching out after a run, and I'll be in some yoga pose with one leg behind my head or something, and they'll be like WHERE did we get this chick, and do you think we can still return her?

But all is not lost.

Here's what I have going for me: 
- I'm a pretty decent cook
- High tolerance for loud music
- I follow sports...ish
- Extremely proficient in MarioKart

Could not be more excited to be spending another summer in Georgetown...I hope these guys are ready!!!