Not this much fun.
In my quest to jazz up the cube a bit, I turned to every gal's best internet friend - Pinterest. One slight problem: Pinterest is full of pictures of Ryan Gosling in thick rimmed glasses, one thousand and one recipes involving greek yogurt (since when did we declare greek yogurt to be the official food of women?) and wedding ideas with kitschy props (if I see another photo booth with mustaches on a stick...really, people, quit it with the mustaches on a stick.) But with a little searching around, I found some pretty great signs to print out and hang in the cube, along with photos and postcards (no, seriously, if you have sent me a postcard in the past year, thank you, and it is in the cube!)
So...without further ado...here's what my cube is wearing this season:
I figure if I could only do two things every day, I would want it to be these two...
...but here are two more that certainly don't hurt.
The national anthem of the South
This one was not a Pinterest find - it's actually a poster that was given to me by an RA friend who was trying to find homes for his residents' posters at the end of the year, so they didn't just end up in the trash. I had it on my bedroom wall all of last year, then relegated it to the bottom of my big trunk after graduation. And then - during the Europe trip - I was in the Musee d'Orsay and saw the real thing in person! After that, I felt like I had to bring the poster out of retirement.
Home state typography. I have the Florida one, too, because the beach has been home for most of my life now.
So...this one isn't really in my cube. But I do feel like it applies to this post...which, by the way, is my 100th blog post! A happy milestone for the Garnish.
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